Nextel introduces ‘WebText’ feature

Nextel Communications Phils. Inc. has announced the launching of Nextel WebText, a value-added feature that allows everyone to send a text message to any Nextel Philippine subscriber via the Internet for free.

According to Nextel president Emilio Festejo, WebText is "our way of making our subscribers even more accessible to their business partners, family and friends here and abroad via the Internet."

WebText users just need to log on to the Internet at, click on the "menu" button of the handset image, key in the Nextel number they want to text, click on the "Create a Message" icon and follow the instructions.

For added convenience to WebText users, the website also comes with pre-programmed, commonly used messages such as "Please call the office," "We have a meeting," "Happy Birthday," etc.

Nextel WebText is the first among many new value-added features which will be offered in the coming months.

Festejo said Nextel will launch a revolutionary wireless data service that will allow business professionals and corporate executives to have access to financial and corporate information relevant to their operations.

He added that plans are also underway to achieve expanded network coverage in other major towns and cites in the country.

Nextel Phils. is an affiliate of Nextel International Inc., a subsidiary of Nextel Communications Inc. based in Reston, Virginia, USA.

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