Dell donates $400,000 in financial, tech support to Yolanda relief efforts

Photo shows Sumir Bhata, Dell director for enterprise solutions, SA; Richard Teo, Dell Philippines president; Ced Apilado and Georgina Belardo of UNICEF; and Terry Burgess, regional director for software, APJ.

MANILA, Philippines - Guided by the solid values that are permeated throughout the entire organization, employees of Dell all over its international headquarters have initiated a fund drive in response to the needs of the survivors of Typhoon Yolanda, apart from the company’s corporate funds allotted to the relief efforts.

As of Nov. 19, Dell had contributed a total of $400,000 in financial and technology support to the disaster relief efforts in the Philippines.

Dell team members are also helping victims of Typhoon Yolanda through a critical-items collection drive and volunteer activities on the ground.

As of last week, Dell team members had accumulated $100,000 worth of personal contributions, with Dell matching those contributions dollar-for-dollar.

“We will match whatever the employees are contributing. Dell will make another $100,000 for a $100,000 that employees have given,” said Richard Teo, Dell Philippines president.

Teo added: “With no management direction, our employees, because of the passion that they have, put together an internal website for Dell global employees so they can contribute money from their own pockets to the typhoon victims. From the time we set up this website since last week, across the globe, we have collected a total of $100,000.”

In this website, they can choose from any of the eight partner NGOs to donate to.

Employees have also been collecting food, clothing, and blankets, as well as getting involved in helping with the packaging of these goods.

“Not only donations, we are also helping provide technology solutions to establish communications between many relief organizations to expedite relief assistance very much needed in the disaster areas,” Teo said.

Aside from the immediate needs of the typhoon victims, communication is also among the key factors to help mobilize the donations that are pouring in areas affected by the typhoon. This is why Dell also thought of partnering with NetHope, an organization specializing in improving IT connectivity among humanitarian organizations in developing countries and areas affected by disaster.

Teo said, “We believe that the donation of $150,000 worth of computer equipment will help establish and network these relief organizations so we can do a much better job in coordinating these efforts.”

Included in the company’s contribution are a corporate donation of $50,000 to UNICEF, which is rushing critical supplies to Filipino children, and $150,000 contribution to NetHope for laptops used by first responders in organizations like CARE, Oxfam, the International Committee of the Red Cross, Mercy Corps, Save the Children, and Water Aid.

“We are sincerely grateful for the support of Dell in our efforts to save the lives of children affected by Typhoon Yolanda. Dell swiftly moved to send a donation to us in the first critical days of the emergency,” said Dr. Willibald Zeck, chief of health and nutrition of UNICEF Philippines.

Dell has also supported the UNICEF global emergency operations since 2009, providing major funding for the UNICEF response to the Haiti earthquake and Pakistan floods.

“Our thoughts are with those affected by Typhoon Yolanda,” said Trisa Thompson, Dell vice president for corporate social responsibility. “We continue to monitor the situation and remain in close touch with our Filipino team members, each of whom is safe and accounted for. We are proud of and grateful for our team members worldwide who have joined the company in funding relief efforts. Together, we will continue to help those impacted to rebuild their lives.”

Teo said, “I’m really amazed by how quickly and how selflessly the people in the Philippines have come together united to respond to this crisis. This speaks volumes of how far the Filipinos have come in terms of nation-building, hence all of you should be proud of being a Filipino.”

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