WebsiteExpress.BIZ opens first website store

MANILA, Philippines - WebsiteExpress.BIZ, a Web development store of NOW Corp. (formerly Information Capital Technology Ventures Inc. or ICTV), a publicly listed company at the Philippine Stock Exchange, has opened a consumer store at a popular mall in anticipation of a growing demand for website creation among businesses and individuals.

The kiosk is part of the company’s aggressive push to “consumerize” the creation of websites in the country.

The initiative thus makes WebsiteExpress.BIZ the first website development company in the Philippines to bring directly to the people via this “push” initiative the idea of making websites more accessible to many Filipino entrepreneurs.

Located at Level 1 of Shangri-La Plaza Mall, the store, which occupies a  four-square meter space but highly visible because of its strategic location and high foot traffic, is expected to make more Filipinos aware about WebsiteExpress.BIZ’s services.

According to Kristian Alisasis Pura, head of the Digital Media Group of NOW Corp., majority of businesses and even individuals now realize that a good website is an important requisite when it comes to making one’s business or service made known in the World Wide Web.

In this ever-changing marketplace, Pura further emphasizes that websites are now considered crucial in achieving financial success or for reputation building, whether for business owners or professionals.

“You don’t see, hear or read anything today that does not make mention of a website URL. A website is considered ‘your window to the world’ so primarily, a good website provides everyone a first impression of you or your business,” says Pura.

As for the possibility of increasing the number of WebsiteExpress.BIZ stores in the future, Pura says they are looking at the possibility, hinting at a plan to open kiosk operations for franchise.

However, Pura clarifies that as for any other business endeavors, expansion efforts will depend on the success of this initial venture and they are still carefully looking at an effective franchise model.

“The franchising will come once we have firmed up the more appropriate business model. For now, we will just concentrate on this initial store, branch out to other major malls specifically in Makati and Quezon City, and hopefully, everything will proceed as we have envisioned it,” Pura says.

For free advice on how to start your credibility online through an effective website, call WebsiteExpress.BIZ at (02) 799-7700 local 169, (02) 623-0996 or e-mail at To see sample works, visit


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