Trend Micro endorses industry-wide, real-world testing of security products

Manila, Philippines - Trend Micro Inc. praised multiple security testing vendors for moving forward with advanced methodologies that show how effective products are in protecting against the new and insidious real-world threats.

NSS Labs,, and Dennis Technology Labs are among the labs that have fostered a greater understanding of the new threats and vulnerabilities across the security industry and developed ingenious ways to test for them so that users can better assess how well they are being protected across the whole product.

“Security testing has become much more difficult for the labs since 2009, because the threat landscape has changed so rapidly,” said Jon Clay, Trend Micro senior marketing manager for core technology.

“We endorse and applaud the efforts these particular test labs have made in order to pioneer greater understanding of security issues and priorities for both consumers and businesses. Consistency across 10 tests since 2009 is one important benchmark of the progress that we and the testers have made,” Clay said.

Real-world testing and validation of Trend Micro products show them occupying the number 1 spot across multiple testing labs. This provides an unbiased view of Trend Micro products’ protection capabilities.

Trend Micro products also came out number 1 over time which means the vendor solution can adapt with the changing threat landscape; number 1 across endpoint products tailored for different customers (enterprise, consumer, small business) ensuring that all customers get the same level of protection; and number 1 against key competitors, proving that Trend Micro endpoint solutions are designed to protect customers effectively.

“Trend Micro has led many real-world benchmark tests from multiple labs since September 2009 against competitors, including Symantec, McAfee, Kaspersky and ESET,” said Clay.

Clay added: “Clearly, Trend Micro Smart Protection Network, our client-cloud infrastructure underpinning our consumer as well as business products, is the ‘secret sauce’ that delivers consistent and correlated protection across multiple threats - url/web, email/spam, and file.”

Trend Micro said it will continue to collaborate with test organizations and submit to product evaluation at labs that practice real-world testing (tests using threat samples gathered live from the typical threat sources, applied via realistic attack vectors, and allowing tested security products to use all available protection layers).

The Trend Micro Smart Protection Network provides the infrastructure behind many Trend Micro products and delivers advanced protection from the cloud, blocking threats in real-time.

By the end of 2010, the Smart Protection Network was seeing 45 billion queries every 24 hours, blocking five billion threats and processing 3.2 terabytes of data on a daily basis. On average, 102 million users were connected to the network each day.

The Smart Protection Network uses patent-pending “in-the-cloud correlation technology” with behavior analysis to correlate combinations of Web, e-mail and file threat activities to determine if they are malicious.

By correlating the different components of a threat and continuously updating its threat databases, Trend Micro has the distinct advantage of being able to respond in real time, providing immediate and automatic protection from e-mail, file and Web threats.

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