What's the most “Only in the Philippines” investment story you’ve ever heard?

Thank you to all the readers who participated in this Free Stuff Friday survey and shared their most “Only in the Philippines” investment story. I’m going to share some of the (anonymized) responses that I received. As usual, no names or identifying info!

The most “Only in the Philippines” investment story I've ever heard is:

  • “The famous KAPA scam by Joel Apolinario earning 30% monthly!”

  • “Raising children to make them as the parents’ retirement fund.”

  • “Cockfighting chickens being the main family investment.”

  • “Where ‘Pasalo nang Paluwagan’ is considered an investment ‘kuno’.”

  • “The Axie Infinity ‘play to earn’ scam that we dominated right up until the token became worthless.”

  • “Conceive as many babies as possible because once they grow up and start earning they will help the parents and family.”

  • “The infamous promise of Tallano Gold  or cash inducement to get people to be loyal to the Marcoses.”

  • “Boss Toyo Pinoy pawnshop – I think it’s not the real business!”

  • “The 3rd telco saga. Those who have insider info won and got to ride ISM wave to full potential. PSE at its finest.”

  • “People ‘investing’ in facemasks during the pandemic. I hope the food they’re eating is not delicious.” 

  • “Where you pay for a real estate investment and the title isn’t released to you by the developer even after 10+ years.”

  • “Insider trading haha.”

  • “Hi, long time, how are you? Let’s catch-up, have some coffee. My treat. – MLM”

  • “My parents bought a plot of land in a subdivision 20 years ago. Until today, the lot isn’t accessible because the developer hasn’t finished the roads inside the subdivision.”

  • “Investing in a ‘pampang’ rental business.”

  • “Timing the market based on the phases of the moon.”

  • “My  neighbor offers fractional chicken investments.”

  • “Investing in rice fields... only to have your partner flee the country with your share of the investment.”

  • “Maharlika Investment Fund!”

MB BOTTOM-LINE: The #1 response to this question (amounting to 20% of all responses) was some variation of the “using your children as a retirement fund” strategy. Many angry readers venting rage and sadness at being tasked with supporting deadbeat extended family or funding dubious expenses like new cars for over-spending parents. Lots of variations of Axie Infinity, paluwagan, and the infamous KAPA scam. A surprising number of real estate schemes involving the non-delivery of habitable premises. I have to admit, though, that my attention was absolutely captured by “fractional chicken ownership.” Haha, sign me up!

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