Talk to your urologist about PE

MANILA, Philippines - “My wife and I never talked about it but I felt it was already putting a strain on our marriage,” says Edmund Eusebio.

Eusebio, who works for a Pasig City-based advertising agency, was worried about premature ejaculation or PE and how it left his wife unhappy and unsatisfied. Then he read on the Internet about a medicine for PE, which was endorsed by Dr. Ed Gatchalian of Manila Doctors Hospital.

“While PE is still in its infancy stage, both in diagnosis and management, it can now be medically treated,” said Gatchalian, former president of the Philippine Urological Association.

The treatment, according to Gatchalian, is provided by a breakthrough prescription medicine soon to be available in the country by Menarini.

The medicine will give men full control over their ejaculation, avoiding frustration and distress between husband and wife.

Gatchalian disclosed that in a survey conducted among 5,000 men in the Asia-Pacific and published by Chris McMahon in the Journal of Sexual Medicine in 2012, it was found out that almost 31 percent, or one out of three Asian men, suffer from premature ejaculation.

“Premature ejaculation should not define your sex life. You must work around the problem by first understanding the nature of the dysfunction, and then you must seek the advice of your doctor and learn how to handle it,” Gatchalian said.

“I endured the strain on our marriage for quite some time. But when I heard that PE can be treated, I visited Dr. Gatchalian and we had an honest talk, man to man. I never thought that it was an actual problem. I convinced myself that I must be doing something wrong, not that there is something wrong with me,” Eusebio said.

“After several appointments with the doctor, my wife and I finish together now and I have never seen her happier. It’s true that when you love your wife and you put an effort in showing it, she will bloom,” he said.

Eusebio said you, too, can learn more about PE and can find out who are the doctors that can help. Visit

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