'Silent killer' meets match in acai berry

MANILA, Philippines - Acai, a super fruit found in Brazil and featured in Oprah and other TV shows, has been proven by many to relieve pain, promote weight loss, and give more energy.

But the best part is that acai berry is also safe for people with hypertension. One of the main reasons that people suffer from hypertension is that the arteries become clogged up, making it harder for the heart to pump blood around the body. This then raises the pressure of the blood in the arteries as the hole that the blood flows through becomes smaller and smaller.

Blood pressure is the force of blood exerted against the wall of the arteries. Arteries are vessels that deliver blood that has been oxygenated from the lungs toward the different organs of the body.

When blood pressure is high, it means that there is more tension applied against the arterial wall, leading to several problems. Hypertension is of major health concern because it makes the heart work doubly hard to pump blood, and increases the risk for developing complications to other organs, including the eyes, kidneys, arteries, and brain.

This can lead to bigger problems in different organs of the body if left untreated. Stress also plays a part in the development of high blood pressure. Several factors are to blame: high fat and salt diet, obesity, old age, smoking, stress, lack of exercise, sedentary lifestyle, and heredity.

On the other hand, hypertension is elevated blood pressure due to other medical conditions like diabetes, kidney disorders or tumors.

High blood pressure, known as “the silent killer,” is one of the major causes of death in the US. It can kill instantly without notice, and needs to be checked periodically.

You are considered to be in the pre-hypertension stage if your systolic pressure ranges from 120 to 139 and your diastolic pressure, from 80-89.

You have high blood pressure if your systolic value reaches 140 or higher, and your diastolic pressure is 90 or higher.

Normal blood pressure is less than 120 systolic pressure and 80 diastolic pressure. Many people don’t feel anything unusual except when the blood pressure reaches levels that are dangerously high.

The common manifestations of high blood pressure are headache, dizziness, palpitations, blurred vision, shortness of breath, and easy fatigability.

Medical studies showed that the acai berry fruit has been able to drop blood pressure dramatically in a short period of time.

In a case study in the US, a group of individuals aged 27 to 35 were given acai berry for a period of one week without any medications. In a matter of one week, the group lowered their overall systolic by 14 percent with just an ounce of the acai super fruit juice daily. Acai berry, known for its rich anthocyanin content, provides antioxidant effects for healthier cells. The antioxidants in acai are much higher than other sources such as blueberries, that is why acai berries are regarded as a “super food” with very high antioxidants.

Organique Acai contains one of the highest antioxidants in the world that effectively destroy homocysteine, a compound known to increase a person’s risk for cardiovascular diseases.

In addition, acai help flush out toxins from the weakened cell membranes lining the walls of the blood vessels and as such, prevent further fluctuations in the blood pressure.

The micronutrients in Organique Acai help boost the supply of nutrients needed by the cells to continue its normal functions.

Organique Acai berry is guaranteed all-natural (no preservatives) with no unhealthy side effects. For inquiries, call/text 0922-8887883 or 470-3580 or visit www.organique.asia.

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