Novel single-pill combo for hypertension bared

MANILA, Philippines - Research-based healthcare company Novartis has launched a novel single-pill combination that delivers powerful blood pressure control and dosing convenience — key factors in ensuring effective and sustained hypertension treatment.

The innovative once-daily tablet combines the first-in-its-class direct renin inhibitor (DRI) aliskiren and the diu­retic hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ).

Unlike other currently available classes of anti-hypertension drugs that target the later stages of the blood pressure-regulating process, aliskiren acts at the beginning of this vital process.

It is the first and only high blood pressure medication that inhibits renin, an enzyme produced by the kidneys.

Renin initiates a process that leads to narrowing of blood vessels in the kidneys. When these blood vessels are narrowed, blood pressure increases.

By inhibiting the action of renin, aliskiren helps blood vessels relax and widen so blood pressure is lowered.

Diuretics such as HCTZ reduce blood volume by increasing the amount of water the kidneys excrete (through urine) as they filter the blood. By decreasing blood volume, HCTZ lowers blood pressure.

Global data show that 59 percent of patients with hypertension do not have their blood pressure well controlled and up to two-thirds will require more than one anti-hypertension medication to reach target blood pressure of less than 120/80 mmHg.

Worldwide rates of control are far from acceptable, with only between 12 and 67 percent of hypertensive adults achieving blood pressure control.

“The 2007 nationwide Philippine Heart Association survey PRESYON 2 revealed that 87 percent or 9.1 million of the 10.5 million hypertensive Filipinos are unable to control their high blood pressure,” said Dr. Loewe Go, executive director of the Cardiovascular Institute of Cardinal Santos Medical Center.

“With its excellent efficacy and tolerability complemented by a convenient once-a-day dosing regimen, aliskiren plus HCTZ can address suboptimal blood pressure control and poor compliance associated with currently available anti-hypertension treatments,” said Dr. Bjorn Dahlof, associate professor of medicine at the Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Sweden.

“Achieving target blood pressure is crucial because it lowers the risk of developing heart and kidney disease. The single-pill combination of aliskiren and HCTZ can improve blood pressure control and enhance patient compliance thereby preventing hypertension-related complications,” said Dr. Agnes Mejia, who chairs the Department of Medicine of the University of the Philippines-Philippine General Hospital.

Dahlof and Mejia were the guest speakers while Go was the scientific chairman during the launch of aliskiren plus HCTZ last Tuesday at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Pasig City.

Entitled “Behold the Emergence of a New and Greater DRIven Power,” the event was attended by physicians from all over the Philippines.

Most expert guidelines support the use of low-dose combination therapy after a trial of monotherapy (treatment with a single hypertension medication).

Data demonstrate that up to 50 percent more patients reach target blood pressure with combination therapy compared with monotherapy.

Expert guidelines also recognize that simplified regimens enhance patient compliance with therapies that ultimately result in better blood pressure control and reduced complications.

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