Summer lice, bummer nits

MANILA, Philippines - How do you solve a problem with kuto? Experts debunk the common misconception that head-lice is caused by hot weather.

Summer and early June seem to be longer because of the heat and humidity. People experience all kinds of outbreak — from heatstroke to sore eyes to tropical allergy. One of the most prevalent conditions that Filipinos secretly complain about is the itchiness in the head brought about by head-lice.

Filipinos are naturally embarrassed by the reality of Pediculosis (another term for the infestation of lice) in their homes specifically on the scalps of children. Instead of finding the proper method to avoid this problem, some folks are quick to blame the hot weather.

Truth be told, the extreme heat brought about by summer is not the main reason for the increasing outbreaks of head-lice. El Niño, the season’s condition where the air is drier and the temperature is hotter, has nothing to do with the proliferation of lice.

What actually spreads head-lice is the direct or indirect contact of a person with another person already suffering from it. It is rather the lack of sanitary measures, particularly among children during summer that is the main culprit.

Summertime means more playtime, and more playtime means more child-to-child contact.

Hot weather causes sweat and likewise sticky scalps. This makes it easier for lice and nits (lisa) to be transferred. The more a child’s buddies stay in touch, the greater their chances of head-lice infestation.

Hawahan also happens in the lending of combs and personal items such as hats, towels and even certain toys. The use of personal products for the hair should be closely guarded as they are an easy window for the spread of head-lice.

Socio-economic class is another notion to dispute as it is not necessarily an indicator for lice-carrying cases. A special Philippine health survey reveals that the prevalence of head-lice is caused by poor hygienic conditions and below-average health care habits, regardless of socio-economic class.

The report also shows that the problem of head-lice is commonly found in female children aged four to 14, regardless of status. What this tells us is that if you are young and you have little regard for personal cleanliness, there is a big chance you will be infected by kuto.

What is the best remedy? There is no known and doctor-prescribed pesticide which can assure 100 percent destruction of lice and nits after a single application.

Pyrethrin was discovered from Chrysanthemum cinaerefolium flowers. This extract is one of the most reliable Pediculicides (substance that kills lice) known today as it is clinically proven to be safe and effective for human use.

According to the US Food and Drug Administration and US Environment Protection Agency, Pyrethrin is considered the most effective yet least harmful insecticide to mammals and humans because it only affects the nervous system of insects.

Licealiz is an anti-lice shampoo manufactured by Lamoiyan Corp. It uses Pyrethrin as its active Pediculicide. It has become an in-demand product because of its lice-killing properties and hair conditioning formulation.

Licealiz is clinically tested to be safe and proven to kill lice as well as nits. If used as prescribed, twice a week for two weeks, one is guaranteed to be lice free.

What makes Licealiz more special is its additional benefits: its hair conditioning formula that keeps hair healthy and moist, and a soothing coolness variant that gives your scalp the cool and fresh feeling after washing. It is also available in sachet packs making it very affordable for everyone. 

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