Pharex launches new website

MANILA, Philippines - Generics pioneer Pharex HealthCorp. has a new website that will provide doctors and consumers with an easy, user-friendly medium for updates on generic medicine, medical news and health-related news and topics.

“To complement our commitment to providing quality and affordable generic medicine, Pharex has launched this new website to continually empower consumers through continuing education. This portal also features an easy link to Pharex Medics to give doctors access to the latest news and updates in medicine,” said Tomas Marcelo Agana III, Pharex chief executive officer and president.

To access the Pharex website, just log on to

The website is divided into reader-friendly, easily accessible sections about the company, information about generic medicine, a quick link to Pharex Medics for doctors, and the latest health news and updates.

The Products section is divided into categories so users may easily find information about the Pharex generic medicine they need. Categories include Infectious Diseases Management Group for effective antibiotic choices for most types of infections; Chronic Care Group, featuring products for chronic diseases like hypertension, diabetes and arthritis; and Wellness Group for over-the-Counter medicine such as pain relievers, vitamins, and cough preparations.

Complementing the Products section is the Production Facilities section, which provides information on Pharex’s manufacturing facilities and processes.

The Pharex Medics section offers a quick link for doctors to learn about Pharex’s service-oriented program for doctors.

This section features monthly medical articles which doctors would find more educational as they are disease-related and not product-focused. It also provides an easy link for doctors who want to sign up for the program.

Also featured in the website are the Health Digest section, featuring enlightening articles on the latest health and medical conditions; CSR Initiatives section, which features programs such as Pharex Community MD Scholarship Grant and Habitat for Humanity; and Corporate Campaigns section, which highlights the company’s programs and advocacies geared toward helping improve the health of Filipinos through education and information dissemination.  

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