Avon Walk highlights drive vs breast cancer

Every step counts, and each one brings us closer to eradicating a disease that takes thousands of lives yearly.

Breast cancer is the number one cause of mortality among Filipino women, and the country posts the highest incidence of breast cancer in the Southeast Asian region.

The Philippine Cancer Registry lists more than 10,000 cases among Filipinas with a mortality rate of 40 percent, and those statistics continue to climb annually.

Avon, the leading corporate advocate of women’s health, in partnership with the Philippine Cancer Society, continues its efforts to make a difference in the lives of women everywhere with the 2008 launch of its Kiss Goodbye to Breast Cancer (KGBC) campaign, highlighted by the annual Avon Walk.

Its seventh year is particularly special as the company for women is celebrating its 30th anniversary, and is attempting to make history all at the same time.    

The KGBC is aiming to set a record by helping make the Avon Walk here the biggest in the world.

Be one of the targeted 30,000 or more participants of Avon’s “I Walk with 30,000 for a Healthier Tomorrow walk” event. This three-kilometer, non-competitive walk will be simultaneously held on Oct. 5 at 16 different locations in the country.

Aside from this groundbreaking event, Avon is also raising funds through the sale of two special edition products. Available for sale through Avon Ladies nationwide is the KGBC shirt, which cost P149.

For more details on the Avon Walk event and Avon’s fund-raising products, e-mail helpdesk.ph@avon.com or log on to www.avon.com.ph.

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