The health benefits of green tea extract

Not all green tea drinks are created equal; in fact, some of them may not have any EGCG content at all — which is unfortunate really, considering this green tea catechin is mainly responsible for the green tea’s numerous health benefits.

Teavigo, a revolutionary natural product derived from green tea, is the purest form of Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) available in the market today.

EGCG is the main catechin of green tea that helps fight against aging-related diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

Green tea extract and its main constituent, EGCG, have been shown to have strong antioxidant activity, enhance metabolism and fat oxidation, and promote mouth health. EGCG has also been shown to help in maintaining healthy glucose levels. 

“Teavigo is a highly purified green tea extract that’s tasteless and odorless,” says Corazon Garalde, general manager for DSM Philippines, “thus it can readily be mixed in many food products making these products healthier.”

Teavigo, which comes from the word “tea” and “vigor,” contains 95 percent EGCG, three times more than the average green tea extract.

But unlike most green tea extracts, Teavigo is free from caffeine, pesticide, and herbicide residues. It is derived from green tea extract and produced in Switzerland using a process patented by the company.

In a 2002 study by Tsuchida et al, subjects with an average habitual consumption of 434 ml/day of tea for more than 10 years had a lower percentage of total body fat, smaller waist circumference, and decreased waist-to-hip ratio.

This is supported by several long-term studies in China and Japan that showed that treatment with green tea catechins reduced body fat and body weight.

In a more recent study published two years ago, Nagao et al found out that ingestion of tea rich in catechins lead to a reduction of body fat in men.

Thirty-five normal/overweight male volunteers on a moderate diet had shown loss of fat and reduction in weight with the regular intake of green tea.

In two separate studies by Makimura M. et al in 1999 and Hamilton-Miller JMT in 2001, meanwhile, EGCG was shown to maintain oral health by inhibiting growth bacteria that cause dental caries, periodontal diseases, halitosis and bad breath.

In a study by Kuriyama et al in 2006, it was shown that regular green tea consumption is positively correlated with the reduction of stroke and cardiovascular mortality.

This finding was further strengthened by Stangl et al in the same year when they found that EGCG intake lessened the risk of cardiovascular disease.

In various studies in the last eight years, EGCG has been shown to exert potent antioxidant properties, possess anti-inflammatory properties, inhibit vascular smooth muscle growth, counteract vasoconstriction, and prevent stroke as well as hypertension.

“More and more studies have shown the benefits of EGCG in preventing disease and improving general health,” says Garalde. In fact, she reveals that there is an ongoing study on Teavigo’s energy-boosting properties.

“It’s not yet conclusive but preliminary studies have shown that EGCG can boost vitality and endurance,” says Garalde.

Food and dietary supplement manufacturers who want to add premium to their products can easily add Teavigo in their process.

“The amount of Teavigo on each product depends on the kind of health benefits that the manufacturer wants its product to have,” says Garalde.

To get antioxidant properties, Garalde says 25mg per serving or doses is recommended. For fat burning effect, daily intake should be 150 to 300 mg.

Products with Teavigo can earn the coveted Teavigo seal, which gives assurance that the products contain a green tea extract which is produced according to the highest standards of quality and safety.

“Teavigo sets the standard for high-performance green tea extract,” says Garalde. “It offers excellent opportunities to provide healthier beverages, foods, and dietary supplement.”

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