How to survive the holidays

The Christmas and New Year holidays mean many things to many people. For most of us, it’s a time for family reunions, endless nights of partying and drinking, and gift giving.

But the holidays can also spell disaster. That’s not surprising if you consider the things that can happen to us at this time. The crowded malls, heavy traffic, hectic schedules and the mad rush to buy gifts can drain anyone both physically and mentally, leaving him tired, irritated, depressed and burned out. At this point, the happy holidays have become one big nightmare.

Christmas is also the time when people forget about good eating habits and eat to their heart’s delight without realizing what this can do to them. Overindulgence leads to obesity that puts you at risk for many life-threatening diseases like diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

The good news is that you don’t have to suffer from any of these problems. With a little patience, careful planning and common sense, you can enjoy the holidays without the pain and suffering that sometimes go with it.

To ensure that your Christmas is merry and bright, here are some tips from Walter Weight Control Bread with High Fiber. This white bread is enriched with oat and vegetable fibers to help keep you feeling full without the calories.

Walter Weight Control Bread is 98 percent fat-free and has 50 percent less sodium to help you maintain a healthy weight. This product will enhance your diet and exercise program to keep you in shape and help you avoid life-threatening diseases associated with obesity.

Make a commitment to lose weight and keep it off. How many of us start diets to lose a few pounds here and there to simply fit into a nice dress for a wedding or party. Often we have no intention of keeping the weight off once it’s lost. Commit yourself to good eating habits that will lead to long-term good health.

Choose a well-balanced and nutritionally sound diet. Include rice or bread, fruits, vegetables, low fat dairy products, and sources of protein like lean meats, poultry, fish or beans daily for optimal nutrition. Be wary of diets that use only one food group like high-protein or all-fruit diets.

Attack the fat. Fat is a concentrated source of calories. And fat taken through the diet is more readily stored as fat in your body. Stay away from high fat foods like butter, margarine, mayonnaise, nuts, chocolates, deep-fried foods, gravies, whole milk, cheese, ice cream and pastries.

Increase your fiber intake. Fiber from fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds provides the dieter with many benefits. It slows down food absorption, provides bulk in the stomach that gives one a feeling of fullness, is more difficult to chew, slows down eating, and protects against various ailments like diabetes, some cancers and heart disease.

Eat smaller portions. Even low-calorie foods add up when you don’t watch how much you eat. Use kitchen measuring cups, spoons or a diet scale to keep your servings accurate. Try using a smaller plate to make your meals look larger.

Get moving. Aerobic exercise burns calories and stored fat and increases your metabolic rate. Biking, brisk-walking, swimming and dancing are good forms of exercise. Just remember to start slow. Don’t make time or the lack of it an excuse not to exercise.

Thou shall not be tempted. Don’t keep high calorie snack foods like potato chips within your reach. If you are attending a social event with lavishly prepared foods, take small portions and stay away from high-fat foods.

Set realistic goals. A loss of one to two pounds per week is safe. Weight lost rapidly is nearly always regained. Don’t be discouraged if your rate of weight loss slows after the first week. Part of the initial weight loss on any diet is water. As your body adjusts, weight loss will continue.

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