Meat firm assists nutrition program

Top meat processing firm CDO-Foodsphere Inc. is donating P5 from the proceeds of each box of CDO Holiday Whole Meat Ham it sold in December 2006 for an ongoing nutrition program for poor Filipino children.

Akel Galangan, regional sales manager of CDO, said the company decided to allot the amount to a supplemental feeding program for undernourished kids as "a showcase of its corporate social responsibility."

Galangan said that through the CDO donation, even those who did not buy ham during the Christmas season stand to benefit from the nutrition program of the company, which has initiated a bold move to lift thousands of indigent children out of malnutrition.

"We should not forget to share our blessings with the less fortunate children who are dying of hunger and malnutrition," Galangan said.

Under the advocacy campaign, Galangan said the company is donating P5 from each box of CDO Holiday Whole Meat Ham that was sold in December to Gabay Buhay project, a supplemental feeding program administered by Odyssey Foundation Inc.

Launched on July 4, 2004, Odyssey Foundation is a non-stock, non-profit organization that aims to improve the daily nutritional intake of children in poor communities.

Since the foundation was launched, more than 2,000 children have benefited from the supplemental feeding program in cooperation with other humanitarian groups in Metro Manila and Bulacan.

Thanks to the donation of CDO-Foodsphere, Galangan said the nutrition program will be able to benefit 2,000 more undernourished children this year.

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