Boosting brain power

Your child is growing up fast, exploring, asking more questions, and sometimes, stating what he wants already. Pretty soon, you know that he is going to face the world on his own as he is about to go to school. This is the time he needs a lot of your continued support even more.

At pre-school stage, you can show your love and support by continually encouraging him to drink milk, particularly one that has the right amount of nutrients to support his brain growth and development.

And because brain development continues at pre-school age and beyond, it is important that parents choose a milk supplement that will provide the nutritional support for optimum brain development, like Enfakid Pre-School Milk with DHA Brain Builders.

Docosahexaenoic Acid or DHA is a long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid naturally found in human milk. DHA is a primary building block of the human brain and retinal tissue and is important for brain development. It forms part of new cell membranes, which are needed as brain cells grow and make new connections with one another.

To supplement the DHA requirements of toddlers, Mead Johnson Phils. stresses the importance of providing them with Enfakid, the pre-school milk formula meeting the nutritional needs of children at this stage of their development.

Enfakid with DHA Brain Builders will help provide support for the continuously developing brain of pre-schoolers who are on the threshold of taking on and succeeding in the advanced, competitive world on their own.

For more information, log on to or call 841-8222 or toll free 1-800-1888-5861.

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