How to deal with stress

Are you a victim of stress? If you find yourself constantly beating deadlines, arguing with your colleagues or boss, waiting for that long due promotion, or pushing yourself to the limit and feeling burned out, you’re suffering from job-related stress, one of the leading health problems in the world today.

People who are constantly exposed to stress while working tend to be hostile and have a high risk of illness, according to medical researchers.

"A tension-filled workplace is a significant factor in cardiovascular disease. What really makes a job hard on the body as well as the mind is the combination of high psychological demands, such as pressure to meet deadlines, and a low level of control over work circumstances – what researchers call decision latitude," explained Dr. Redford Williams of Duke University Medical Center in Mind/Body Medicine.

A nationwide study of 600 full-time American workers made by Northwestern National Life Insurance Co. found that many employees are suffering from job stress.

Of the 600 respondents, 46 percent said they found their jobs very or extremely stressful. Seventy-two percent complained of stress-related physical or mental conditions. These include exhaustion, anger or anxiety, muscle pain, headache, insomnia, respiratory illness, ulcers, depression and hypertension.

If you can’t change your stressful job, be realistic about it. Don’t expect to gain power, money and fame in one day. Take control of your schedule and tasks with careful planning and timing. Above all, take time to relax. Sometimes a brisk walk in the park, a nice movie or a good laugh with friends can do a lot to relieve you from stress.

Another way to get off stress is to take Opstres, a multivitamin supplement with the vitamin synergism advantage to fight stress. With Opstres, you’re in control of stress since it’s scientifically formulated to counteract the harmful effects of free radicals, chemically reactive substances produced by the body in times of stress. In excess, these substances are responsible for heart disease, premature aging and cancer.

Opstres can help restore the balance in your body since it contains Vitamin B complex, folic acid and Vitamins C and E. It is available at leading drugstores nationwide or call Astra Zeneca Pharmaceuticals Phils. Inc. at 823-8169 to 70.

All these substances work hand in hand to give you the energy to fight stress, boost the body’s immune system and replace damaged and dead cells.

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