Metro Manila transport groups are all for NCAP

During the grand opening of WALI second-hand cars and auto supply, Taguig City Councilor Nicky Supan reiterated the importance of NCAP implementation in Metro Manila.
Photo Release

MANILA, Philippines — A number of transport groups in Metro Manila have come out in support of the No Contact Apprehension Policy (NCAP).

During the grand opening of WALI second-hand cars and auto supply in Panam Village, Taguig City, Councilor Nicky Supan, who is also the Taguig transportation sector committee leader, reiterated the importance of lifting of the temporary restraining order (TRO) on NCAP.

“I am proud to say that Taguig is one with the Metro Manila Council in implementing the NCAP. We are one of the first cities to sign and support NCAP because of the benefits it will give to our drivers, which will in turn have a positive effect to the traffic situations as well as the passengers” Supan said.

“NCAP is a great deterrent for erring motorists. If you are a disciplined driver, like what we are advocating here in the city of Taguig, there is no reason for you to worry,” he added.

Voicing out their approval of NCAP were Ricardo Alde, president of FTI Taguig Transport Group; Enrico Caluen, president of Guadalupe – FTI Jeepney Drivers Association; Conrad Synshioco, LTFRB liason officer; Epe Lepasana, mobility officer; Sonny Osorio, chief of Transportation – Taguig; and Danilo Canabiral, chief of Traffic Management Office – Taguig.

Since the issuance of the TRO, the technical group, in cooperation with the stakeholders, including the Metro Manila Development Authority (MMDA) and Metro Manila Council, has already improved the implementation of NCAP.

Transportation groups have supported NCAP since day one, saying that it is a fair, impartial way to enforce traffic laws, as it does not rely on the discretion of traffic enforcers. Studies show that NCAP has helped reduced traffic congestion and improve road safety.

Transport advocacy group, The Passenger Forum (TPF), has been an ardent supporter of NCAP.

“We think NCAP is a first step in making our roads friendlier toward pedestrians, commuters and bicycle riders. In our view, traffic rules are here to protect people and make motorists more responsible. NCAP is a good start for us to move toward the right direction,” TPF convener Primo Morillo said.

Morillo explained that NCAP not only promotes road safety and motorist discipline, it also removes the discretion of traffic enforcers in apprehending drivers who violate traffic laws.

Meanwhile, Motorcycle Rights Organization of the Philippines (MROP) said in a statement that NCAP is a “necessary step” to improve road safety and to add protection for motorcyclists.

It acknowledges that before the TRO, NCAP had helped reduce the number of motorcycle-related accidents.

The Metro Manila Development Authority (MMDA) has announced the need for body-worn cameras while apprehending traffic violators, and MMDA chairman Romando Artes strongly believes that this and NCAP will be a perfect combination to prevent incidents of bribery and extortion.

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