Big, mean cash machine

As if Automated Teller Machines weren’t convenient enough, the ATM’s promise of ready cash anytime anywhere (well, if its online) is taken a step further. Now, a bank has made it even easier for folks to draw out cash whenever and wherever the need-or the urge to splurge-arises.

Sort of like a mid-air refueling station, the United Coconut Planters Bank’s ATM Mobile provides people an instant cash lifeline since it is a portable, vehicle-mounted money dispenser that’s designed to roam the metropolis, especially in areas where there is a likely chance people need it. Over the last couple of years, the cash van has been sent to various school activities (particularly during enrolment time), assorted outdoor events, trade fairs, carnivals, exhibits and street parties. And, of course, in areas where folks are wont to shop, shop, shop and eat, eat, eat, and therefore, spend, spend, spend.

The beauty of the UCPB ATM Mobile is that it is a self-contained unit with a generator set, a UPS with back-up batteries, and a communication system that’s capable of conducting wired operations, even where phone and electrical connections are not available. As such, UCPB said that its ATM Mobile could be driven to any site within reach of telecommunications, and is operational within minutes upon arrival. Since one of the basic ideas in conceptualizing the cash van is that UCPB can augment its fixed-location ATMs, particularly in so-called high-volume areas during peak periods, the ATM Mobile’s rapid deployment capability is invaluable. Ok, that may sound a tad militaristic, but there are militant shoppers out there too.

The first and only one of its kind locally, the ATM Mobile can service areas within 80 kilometers from any UCPB branch. Which means, pretty much everywhere, especially in Metro Manila.

"Now we can literally take the bank to our customers anywhere in Metro Manila, whether they are attending a concert or shopping at a night market or dining at a restaurant that is far from any fixed ATM site. You can park the ATM Mobile at the curbside and, presto, the customer can access cash banking service," said UCPB vice president Daniel Yu. If the customer cannot go to the bank, the bank will go to the customer.

The company claimed that despite advances in electronic banking services like wire and Internet banking, the fact remains that people need cash.

But besides being an omnipresent cash lifeline, the ATM Mobile also serves as a market research tool for UCPB to determine if an area can generate sufficient business volume, and thus require a fixed-location ATM. The ATM Mobile can easily be removed from a specific site if the area fails to meet certain bank load transactions.

Starting life as regular Ford Club Wagon, the UCPB ATM Mobile is quite striking, not just because of its gargantuan dimensions, but also of its brightly hued blue and green corporate liveries, making it one huge traveling billboard. The van was customized by a local shop, and extensively tested before it was deemed fit for operations.

Because the ATM adds heft-and cold cash is presumably heavy-a rigid platform is required. No problem, though, because the ATM Mobile rides on an E-350 chassis, which is stouter than Ford’s E-150 platform. The Club Wagon also has a larger engine than the people-hauler E-150-based Chateau Wagon, boasting of a 5.4-liter Triton motor that produces 235 horsepower at 4250 rpm and a robust 335 lb/ft of torque at a low 3000 rpm – figures that are theoretically more than adequate to haul the ATM Mobile around town.

Also, since the Club Wagon is built to take on heavy-duty chores, a bank vault-tight ride is expected from this virtual bank vault-on-wheels.

Speaking of which, the ATM Mobile may point the direction not just where banking services are heading, but points new uses for vans as well.

Vans used to be nothing more but room-sized bongs, portable passion pits or family haulers. These days, they can be mobile cash machines too.

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