A night of friendship

Manila Overseas Press Club (MOPC) governor Joey Leviste, MOPC board of advisers chairman Tony Lopez, MOPC chairman Jose Manuel ‘Babe’ Romualdez, MOPC treasurer Nelia Gonzalez, Vice President Jejomar Binay, MOPC governor Beth Lee, outgoing US ambassador Harry Thomas, Jr.,  and MOPC vice president Elpi Cuna

The testimonial dinner tendered by the Manila Overseas Press Club (MOPC), through its chairman Jose Manuel “Babe” Romualdez, for outgoing US Ambassador Harry Thomas Jr. could not happen at a more opportune time:  Filipino-American Friendship Day. Your columnist was fortunate enough to be requested to serve as the master of ceremonies.  The members of the diplomatic corps, government officials, businessmen, and media went to the InterContinental Hotel to bid farewell to “everybody’s friend.”  Present at the event were Vice President Jejomar Binay as special guest of honor, Senator Loren Legarda, Leyte Representative Martin Romualdez, Foreign Affairs undersecretary Evan Garcia, the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Deputy Chief of Staff for Civil Military Operations (J-7) Rear Admiral Miguel Jose Rodriguez who represented AFP Chief of Staff Gen. Emmanuel Bautista, and the following ambassadors: Reuben Levermore of New Zealand, Ton Boon von Ochssee of the Netherlands, John Gomes of Bangladesh, Hatice Pinar Isik of Turkey, and Agnes Nyamande Pitso of South Africa.  Ambassador Thomas thanked the MOPC for upholding professionalism in media and elevating the many positives of the Filipino society to the world.  After referring to the men and women in the media as “a lively bunch to work with,” the popular and amiable US ambassador received a standing ovation from the audience!  Ambassador Thomas further said he felt truly blessed and inspired by the friendship of Filipinos, relishing the experiences during his post here that he said will stay with him forever not only as a diplomat but as a human being. We are blessed with your friendship, Harry!  Congratulations to Babe Romualdez and his wonderful colleagues at the MOPC.  It truly was an affair to remember.

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