Magical moments at The Pen

Distinguished diplomats, prominent businessmen, socialites and our friends in the media cooled off at an elegant poolside party at The Peninsula Manila to celebrate the world premiere of “Peninsula Moments.”  The collection of short films — part of a new global brand campaign — showcased not just the magical grandeur that marks a stay at The Pen and the hotel’s aim-to-please staff but also promotes the cities where the nine Peninsula hotels are located as a travel destination. The Peninsula Manila vignette was directed by Jean Claude Thibaut of Ridley Scott and Associates and complemented by images by celebrity photographer Russel Wong. Among those seen hobnobbing with The Peninsula Manila hotel manager Oliver Dudler and his wife Cyndi were luxury carpet magnate Evelyn Lim-Forbes, US ambassador, His Excellency Harry Thomas Jr., Australian ambassador, His Excellency Bill Tweddell, and Ambassador Delia Albert. A highlight of the evening was when The Peninsula Manila general manager Sonja Vodusek went onstage escorted not by your regular Peninsula pages, but by the children of employees and the hotel’s regular patrons dressed in the iconic page uniforms. Congratulations to The Pen, its executives and staff!


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