A very special dinner with a Hennessy

Yours truly spent a sophisticated evening in perfect company with the country’s top executives, society icons and wine enthusiasts as we shared more than a drink with a distinguished personality, Gilles Hennessy, vice president of Moet Hennessy, the Wines & Spirits branch of French luxury goods conglomerate LVMH or Louis Vuitton Moët Hennessy.  Born where it all began—in Cognac, France, Gilles belongs to the seventh generation descended from Richard Hennessy, who founded the House of Hennessy.  “Having a legendary name means something; it gives you a special responsibility to the brand,” Gilles said.  One of the world’s leading cognac houses, Hennessy is best known for its exquisitely refined blends like the rare Hennessy Beaute du Siecle or “Beauty of the Century,” with only 100 bottles produced in the world.  At The Peninsula Manila, Gilles, together with Moet Hennessy Asia Pacific managing director Mark Bedingham, regional and business development director Wiboon Arunthanes and area director Steven Bullock, met with their trade partners in the Philippines particularly the wine shop owners.  After a dinner to dream about—highlighting cognac pairings with foie gras, lobster and wagyu beef tenderloin at the Hennessy Suite, Gilles personally autographed the Hennessy X.O. bottles purchased that evening to the utmost delight of VIP guests.  Here’s a toast to Gilles and all the Hennessy executives, and to all cognac lovers!

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