Pawnbrokers soar high

Honorary consul to Zambia and Chamber of Pawnbrokers of the Philippines’ Inc. (CPPI) elected president Louie Ablaza and his charming wife honorary consul to Guatemala Mellie Ablaza, owners of Ablaza chain of pawnshops, hosted a dinner at their posh north Forbes Park residence in honor of Philippine ambassador to Italy, CPPI past president Philippe Lhuillier. It was also a celebration of the 54th anniversary of CPPI, the national organization of more than 16,000 pawnshops operating all over the country. The magnanimous ambassador also inducted the CPPI board members into office. As requested by his colleagues, the hard-working ambassador shared his experiences in the business and some of his very important accomplishments during his 11 years of untiring services and sacrifices that benefited Filipinos working in Italy. He also congratulated consul Louie Ablaza for his efforts in bringing the pawnshop industry in the country to greater heights. Seen on that special gathering were Fining Arnaiz-Tambunting, Boysie Villavicencio, Bea Lucero-Lhuillier and top designer Junjun Ablaza among others. Congratulations to CPPI for another outstanding year and to Ambassador Lhuillier for his accomplishments as Philippine ambassador to Italy!

An exciting change

The dynamic Hans Hauri, general manager of the Marco Polo Plaza Cebu (MPPC), the only 5-star hotel in Cebu City, proudly introduces highly-qualified individuals, joining as newest members of its excellent and super efficient team, namely: Stephan Wieprich as the new F&B manager, Teresa “Tess” Tirona as marketing consultant, Nicomedes “Nick” Juezan as chief security officer and Giltrudes “Trudy” Tarin as executive housekeeper. Congratulations and welcome to MPPC!

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