Center offers tailor-made learning solutions and training programs

MANILA, Philippines - “Hala Bira!” is the traditional battle cry associated with the Ati-atihan festival, a resounding call to action and commitment. This was also the same battle cry made by the people of Starbucks when they held their teambuilding recently at the Meralco Development Center (MMLDC). With Starbucks being a global brand, MMLDC made sure that it will be one of its kind and memorable by coming up with a tailor-made program that puts a distinct Filipino flavor to the experience.

The Starbucks group’s teambuilding seminar, aptly named “Viva Starbucks! Hala Bira! Celebrating Filipino Festivals”, incorporated elements from Filipino festivals to the challenges, from food to traditional customs, even the kind of entertainment unique to each fiesta. It took the participants to a virtual tour of the country, giving them a taste of the rich cultural traditions of the country, while integrating elements of nature into the activities, giving value to the environmental aspects of the festivities.

“With teambuilding sessions and training modules becoming standard requirements for any company’s advancement, there are always means to make them better and more effective. MMLDC has done exactly that with its teambuilding packages: always custom-designed and never ordinary,” Vivien Arnobit, Director for Academic Services of MMLDC, said. 

MMLDC also offers flexibility in their training modules to suit the client’s parameters: whether a company needs an intensive and highly technical workshop or a lighthearted and fun-filled seminar can be accommodated. It also puts a high premium on safety: medical and safety officers are always on standby to monitor and check the activities so that it conforms to safety standards and to avoid untoward incidents. Moreover, MMLDC does off-site training based on clients’ preferences. It also values the client’s opinions through after-sales service, checking with the clients if their desired goals and output are met.

Vivien explained: “Most venues or program providers would not be able to accommodate all of these services in one package. The way MMLDC delivers its programs spells the difference. Thus with the Starbucks teambuilding, we incorporated Filipino festivals in the activities since the coffee-drinking culture is now very part of the lives of Filipinos.”

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