SCG scholars strive for greener, better world

MANILA, Philippines - Public high school scholars from Bulacan encouraged other students and people in the community to be more concerned about the environment through a poster-making contest as a part of SCG “Sharing the Dream” Life Skills Workshop.

The workshop held recently was the second for this year’s SCG “Sharing the Dream” Scholarship Program, which is currently being implemented by United Pulp and Paper Co., Inc. (UPPC), a subsidiary of SCG in the Philippines. The series of workshops aims to teach their scholars useful life skills that can help them in their everyday and future lives.

Now on its second year, with 100 scholars in Bulacan and Batangas, the scholarship is SCG’s corporate social responsibility program in the Philippines. The scholarship covers school allowance, uniforms, supplies, and miscellaneous expenses for school year 2009-2010.

In the workshop, 56 scholars from Calumpit National High School, Iba National High School, Frances High School, Sta. Lucia High School, and Caniogan High School prepared themselves before the contest by immersing themselves in the current condition of the environment.

The scholars watched a short film showing the status of climate change and its adverse effect on the Philippines as witnessed in the Ondoy and Pepeng super typhoons. They also conducted group sessions on how they could act to protect and conserve the environment. 

After the group discussions, the scholars planned how the posters would look. With a big percentage of the criteria going to innovativeness by using sustainable materials, the scholars got creative and used paper, leaves, and actual examples of non-biodegradable, biodegradable, and recyclable items on their posters.

Sta. Lucia High School was awarded the Best Poster. It was also cited as Most Innovative and Most Original. The poster compares the environment with a person sick with fever and suggests solutions for a better life such as reforestation, water segregation, walking or biking to conserve fuel, and turning off electricity when not in use.

Meanwhile, Iba National High School won the Best Group (Teamwork). The poster looks like a huge puzzle which presents different ideas for conserving natural resources.

“My dear scholars, you may think that as students, you cannot do anything about the environment but we think of you as seeds that SCG has planted. We expect you to grow and have a very good future,” said Montri Mahaplerkpong, UPPC president and CEO. 

Montri wanted the scholars to bring whatever they learn from the workshop to their homes and communities to share in making a greener and better world.

SCG has been doing business in the Philippines through its four subsidiaries—UPPC, Siam Mariwasa Ceramics, CPAC Monier Philippines, and SCT Philippines. 

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