Periods of crisis should bring out the best in marketing and sales managers

MANILA, Philippines - The global economic crisis has proven to be a huge challenge among marketing and sales managers. The challenge is so enormous that delivering on their sales targets is the only way for a company to survive. However, for Rowen Untivero, Partner & Chief Sales Strategist of Mansmith & Fielders, this periods of crisis “should bring out the best in marketing and sales managers.” 

“Limited resources should not be seen as setbacks but rather as a challenge of the imagination, execution efficiency and quest for new solutions to old problems,” Untivero said, adding that in times of good or bad economy, marketers and sales managers must still deliver committed targets.

“In challenging times like these, delivering on targets may mean survival or the demise of a company. It can jumpstart or end some careers. The even greater challenge is how do marketing and sales managers deliver targets when resources are being withheld and scrutinized through a nano-scope. The conference provides insights, framework and solution examples to such predicaments... in other words: getting more for less,” he added.

Former board director of the Advertising Board of the Philippines (ADBOARD), Untivero has also served as a trustee for the PANA Foundation and Vice President of the Philippine Marketing Association (PMA). As a senior consultant, partner and Chief Sales Strategist in Mansmith, he has conducted various training programs both in-house and public seminars, to diverse clients which include the top companies in the country.

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