Eastwood Cyberpark remains country’s top IT park

Eastwood City Cyberpark — the country’s very first information technology (IT) park developed by top business process outsourcing (BPO) office condominiums developer Megaworld Corp. — remains the country’s number one IT park in many aspects, according to a recent data from the Philippine Economic Zone Authority or PEZA.

In terms of employment, Eastwood Cyberpark has the highest number of PEZA-registered employees at more than 12,000 executives and rank and file staff as of Dec. 2007. But including the employees of restaurants and other non-PEZA-registered companies, Eastwood City has more than 30,000 working professionals, according to Megaworld.

The second-ranked IT park only had 11,000 PEZA-registered employees, while the number three company had a distant 9,000 employees.

Another crucial figure is total salaries and wages — and Eastwood Cyberpark is again number one, with more than P4.4 billion in compensation for the whole of last year. The second-ranked firm registered P4 billion, while the number three location had P3.45 billion.

But the service export revenues category is where Eastwood really dominates. Eastwood Cyberpark’s more than 60 locators delivered $223 million in services last year. The second-ranked is a distant second at $157 million. The third-ranked IT ecozone in this category only got close to $154 million.

“By all accounts, with three number one rankings in the three most important categories, Eastwood City Cyberpark remains the number one IT park in the country,” declared Megaworld FVP for Business Development Jericho Go.

Dominant IT park

Go credits Eastwood’s dominance to three factors: its location, the sheer number of BPO buildings and locators, and the BPO lifestyle on offer only at Eastwood City.

Eastwood City’s location, according to him, is right at the center of the metro, close to both the northern parts of Quezon City and Makati down south via C5. Its location also puts it near QC’s university belt, thus providing locators easy access to human talent from Ateneo, UP, Miriam College and even schools from other universities.

With eight BPO buildings (including the new E-Commerce Plaza) and two more on the way this year and next year — Eastwood City has the highest number of locators in just one location at more than 60.

“This gives potential employees a wide range of companies to steer their career towards. As for our locators, while competition will always be there for talent, joining forces in one location gives them more visibility to be able to get more qualified employees. For many future hires, I believe that Eastwood provides a wealth of opportunities found nowhere else,” Go said.

Location is key

Moreover, when one works at Eastwood, everything’s not about work here, Go declared. There are many coffee shops, restaurants, shopping outlets, WiFi connectivity and even cinemas. “These all help the employees of our locators unwind after a day’s work - or even during their breaks - and be all perked up to soldier on and focus at their work.”

“This is also one of the major considerations of our locators. When they locate at Eastwood, they don’t just lease a building. The welfare and wellness of their employees are also highly considered,” Go shared.

BPO and call center firms that put the welfare and wellbeing of their employees at a premium may call Megaworld’s Business Development division at 912-1255 or 912-0756.

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