Website for women entrepreneurs

GE Money Bank and Let’s Go Foundation launched the Women Entrepreneurship (WE) Website,, a site dedicated solely to women who plan to start or are already managing their own businesses. Apart from information on the background and projects of the Women Entrepreneurship program, the WE website features revealing studies done on women entrepreneurs, as well success stories and tips on how to manage a business.

Interesting tidbits found in the website include the finding that 59 percent of women entrepreneurs with “growing’ enterprises started their business with a partner or partners, and that there is gap in female students’ desire to put up a business and the knowledge and skills needed to effectively start one.

To help out women entrepreneurs with their concerns, the WE website features experts who can answer women’s questions pertaining to business. Basic questions like “What do I need to become an entrepreneur?”, “I have plenty of ideas, but how come I’m stuck here?” or managerial questions like “How do I delegate tasks to my staff?” are answered in the website by the experts and other women entrepreneurs.

The website also houses forums, where students, mothers, entrepreneurs and women curious about starting their own business can exchange ideas, share their experiences, talk about their passions and inspirations or simply provide support to each other. “The website aims to engage women, motivate them, educate and prepare them to become their own bosses and start creating jobs for others,” said Carlo Calimon of Let’s Go Foundation.

To help address the needs of potential, start-up and growing women entrepreneurs, the Women Entrepreneurship program, a joint program of GE Money Bank and Let’s Go Foundation, aims to encourage women to transform women from job seekers to job creators. WE aims to achieve this is through education. By providing an avenue where women can access more information on entrepreneurship and be exposed to the advice and ideas of fellow would-be and existing women entrepreneur, WE hopes to mold more women entrepreneurs. Through the GE website, the Women Entrepreneurship program aims to help inspire and cultivate the entrepreneurial spirit among women.

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