Generali starts insurance cum pension plan

Generali Pilipinas is starting 2009 with GEN Super Saver Plans, a new pension plan with guaranteed protection on top of its competitive insurance products.

GEN Super Saver Plans include GEN Super Saver for peso- denominated policies and GEN Super Saver Plu$ for dollar-denominated policies. These are unique products that provide plan holders the security, protection and maximum savings they need. The plans have a short paying period of five years but with guaranteed living benefits starting on the third year.

These attractive and guaranteed benefits are: 80-percent increase from the plan’s initial coverage starting on the 3rd year; guaranteed pay-outs of eight percent of initial coverage at the end of the 8th year and every other year thereafter; 100-percent increase from initial coverage starting at age 80; and, lifetime insurance protection and pension.

“We are delighted to offer customers GEN Super Saver Plans, GP’s regular-pay life insurance products that offer guaranteed returns, guaranteed benefits, and guaranteed lifetime protection just by saving for five years,” Derek Chan, Generali Pilipinas president and chief executive officer, said.

Generali Pilipinas is a one-stop-shop for all insurance needs. Its products and services include individual life insurance, group life and medical, auto and home insurance, small and medium business protection, as well as commercial property insurance. 

Generali Pilipinas is a joint venture between Assicurazioni Generali SpA, Jerneh Asia Berhad, and Banco de Oro Unibank Inc. (BDO). It has offices in Metro Manila, Bacolod, Baguio, Cebu, Davao and other major cities throughout the country.

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