Technical congress renames mud crab as mangrove crab

MANILA, Philippines – Mud crabs will now be referred to as mangrove crabs.

This was agreed upon during the first National Mud Crab Congress held by the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center-Aquaculture Department  (SAFDCAD) in Tigbauan, Iloilo.

The resolution was signed by 246 participants,  of which 99 are from non-government organizations and the private sector,  71 from different government agencies,  20 from the academe or state universities and colleges, and 67 from the SAFDCAD,  University of the Philippines Visayas, the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PCAARRD).

The congress, with the theme Philippines: In the forefront of the mud crab industry development, was in collaboration with the DOST-PCAARRD.

As crabs live in the mangrove, the congress participants agreed to link the species to its environment to give importance to mangrove forests, an extremely productive ecosystem.

Mangrove forests provide numerous goods and services both to the marine environment and populace. Not only serving as home to fishes, crabs, shrimps, and mollusks, they also provide the essential source of food for thousands of coastal communities around the world.

Locally known as alimango, mud crab will now be referred to as mangrove crab as its standard common name in English and will apply to all species belonging to the genus Scylla.

The congress aimed to discuss the present state of mangrove crab industry in the country, latest developments and technologies, problems, issues, and researchable areas.

It was also intended to increase awareness and support in achieving the common goal of making the Philippines the biggest producer of mangrove crab, surpassing its ranking as second to China.

The congress also featured paper presentations focused on hatchery, nursery and grow-out including fattening and aquasilviculture, soft-shell crab farming, and postharvest.

The decapod crustacean or 10-legged mangrove crab is also referred as Indo-Pacific swamp crab.

In the Philippines, mangrove crab is considered a very important aquaculture commodity due to its high demand in the local and world markets.


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