MANILA, Philippines - The project, “Achieving Sustainable Agriculture through the Integrated Rice-Duck Farming System” of the Philippine Agrarian Reform Foundation for National Development (PARFUND), was elected as winning project. In cooperation with the Austrian Trade Commission, the award was received by Jose Noel Olano, executive sirector of PARFUND, on May 30 at Makati City, Philippines.
The winning project was awarded mainly for its innovative, sustainable, and environmental-friendly approach. Its main actors are the ducks. The ducks growing alongside the rice paddies eliminate the use of chemicals as the ducks eat pests, their dung fertilizes the soil, and the paddling movement of their feet cultivates the soil and destroy weeds. Increased rice production and added income from duck meat and eggs contribute to household benefits that liberate farmers from poverty.
The Philippine project – together with other sustainable Energy Globe Initiatives from 150 countries – will be in the limelight at Last June 5, on the occasion of the UN World Environment Day and under the patronage of UNIDO, UNEP and UNESCO, Energy Globe presented the outstanding environmental solutions from all over the world that have won the Energy Globe award. Within the duration of 24 hours, the projects were presented at one-minute intervals. The projects range from high-tech to simple ideas, featuring solutions to current environmental problems, either through increased energy-efficiency, use of renewable energies or the thorough use of resources such as water.
The Energy Globe Award, which is the equivalent of the Oscar Prize for Energy Efficiency, was initiated in 1999 by Wolfgang Neumann of Austria. Through the years, the Energy Globe Foundation led by Neumann has been giving this award annually to present successful sustainable projects to the world.