RP declared FMD-free

Manila, Philippines - The Philippines has been declared free of the foot and mouth disease (FMD).

Agriculture Secretary Proceso Alcala said the Paris-based Office International des Epizooties (OIE) has issued the Philippines  an FMD-free certification.

“I received a text message from Bureau of Animal Industry Director (Dave) Catbagan that the Philippines is now declared FMD free, “ he said. Speaking to reporters during the weekly Friday Balitaan, Alcala said said the FMD-free status would help boost the country’s livestock export production. Catbagan has reported from Paris that the status falls under the classification “without vaccine,” he added

Catbagan represented the Philippines in the FMD global conference in Paris.Alcala said the certification will allow the Philippines to export livestock products anywhere in the world.

The government is now pursuing negotiations for the export of hogs at around 1,000 head per week to Malaysia, he added. Initial negotiations have also been initiated by the previous administration to export hogs to Singapore, he added. Alcala said an FMD-free certification without vaccination is the highest type.

“Vaccination may simply conceal detection of the disease since routine blood tests which rely on antibodies cannot dis-tinguish between an infected and a vaccinated animal.” he said. The World Organization for Animal Health also issues an FMD-free certification with vaccination.

Most meat importers limit importation only from countries that have a “without vaccination” certification.

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