Sanitary engineers hold confab, election

MANILA, Philippines - The Philippine Society of Sanitary Engineers (PSSE) Inc. will hold its 2009 annual national convention-general assembly and election of officers for 2010-2011 on Dec. 3 & 4 at the Great Hall, Great Eastern Hotel, Quezon City   

Engineer Ronulfo C. Feliciano, PSSE national president, said the convention theme is “Responding to the Challenges of Local Environmental Protection Amidst Global Crisis.” Sanitary engineers, local government officials, faculty members and students are invited to attend, he said.     

Speakers will share their expertise on “A Situation Report on Water Supply in the Philippines by the National Water  Resources Board,” “The Philippine Sanitation Roadmapping”, “Engineered Sanitary Landfill: Its Current Issues and Concerns” and “Climate Change: Local Impacts and Global Implications.”

For details, contact Christine Ann Guardiano at telefax 434-0591, Bong Fonte at 0915-4118560 or visit the website at

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