New sugarcane variety in the pipeline

A new sugarcane variety is in the pipelilne.

Named PSR97-45, it is set to be released in mid-2007.

PSR97-45 was bred by plant breeders of the Philippine Sugar Research Institute Foundation, Inc. (Philsurin) from two parents–VMC74-292 and CP72-1312.

The hybridization (crossing of different varieties of sugarcane to produce new varieties) work on PSR97-45 began in October 1997, or two years after Philsurin was established.

The Philsurin hybridization series started in 1997 with 760 variety crosses from 240 parent varieties and 110,683 seedlings in the initial field test (FTI) in may 1998.

Out of these, only 976 entries made it to the second field test (FT2) in January 1999.

In the October 1999 first propagation stage (M1) the number of entries was further cut down to 140 entries.

Another step in the hybridization process, screening for disease resistance, is performed in various stages of the breeding process to ensure that only highly resistant sugarcane varieties are produced.

Philsurin, currently headed by Director General Leon M. Arceo, reported that in the October 1999 evaluation for smut, 70 percent of the 140 entries were found to be resistant to this devastating fungal disease that infects sugarcane buds, producing a long, whip-like structure with a black, powdery mass of pores.

The number of entries was further trimmed down to 50 in the second propagation stage (M2) conducted in May 2000.

In the evaluation, all the remaining 50 entries were found to be resistant to downy mildew, a fungal disease that attacks during warm and wet conditions, causing leaf discoloration and thicking of the stalk.

The next stage is multi-location trial, which is conducted to observe the performance of varieties in a host of locations. The varieties’ performance is measured against check varieties. Rigorous testing is conducted to find new varieties that are superior than existing ones.

In the December 2001 preliminary yield trials (PYT) conducted in four sites (Victorias City, San Carlos City, both in Negros; Tarlac, and Bukidnon), only 30 entries were left.

Two years later, national coordinated trials (NCT) were done in 20 sites – each for the Philippine Sugar Regulator Administration (SRA) and Philsurin.

Only nine entries made it to the NCT, with PSR97-45- PSR97-41, and PHIL94-0913 emerging as the leading varieties.

In the second round of the national coordinated trials in December 2004, only three entries were left.

The last stage of the hybridization process is the release of varieties.

A variety is recommended for national release and registered with the National Seed Industry Council (NSIC) if it displays good performance in seven out of 15 trial locations. On the other hand, a variety is recommended by mill district release if it shows good performance in a specific location.

In sum, after a decade, only two out of 110, 683 seedlings were found to be fit for recommendation to sugarcane planters.

"The story of PSR97-45 demonstrates the very long process involved in producing new and better sugarcane varieties," Philsurin stated. – Rudy A. Fernandez

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