Shrimp congress set in July

Scientific advances in shrimp culture technology and the establishment of diagnostic laboratories for shrimp diseases by the government provide hope that the Philippine shrimp industry can still recover after a series of setbacks brought about by devastating diseases and other environment-related problems during the past few years.

To realize and hasten this recovery, the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources and the Philippine Shrimp Industry Association, Inc., are sponsoring a national congress to be held in Bacolod City on July 2-4, this year.

BFAR Director Malcolm I. Sarmiento Jr. said that the three-day congress aims to formulate a comprehensive national shrimp industry recovery program geared towards sustainable development. He said that holding the shrimp congress is paramount as there exist now more intensified efforts pursued by all sectors – government, research institutions, academe and industry players – to put the shrimp industry in order.

Director Sarmiento recalled that during the 80’s, shrimp was once the prized export commodity of the country and had even overtaken tuna as the No. I fishery export then. Successes in culture led to intensification of the effort, he said, but it was short-lived because of problems of shrimp diseases and environmental degradation.

The congress, with expected attendance close to 1000 participants, will highlight technical sessions that would provide updated information for focused group discussions; come up with draft resolutions for presentation during the congress proper; agree upon some form of organization to unite the industry and to finalize a shrimp industry recovery program. There will also be a trade exhibition featuring new products and technology.

Renowned local and international scientists and shrimp experts will be discussing the latest industry updates including an overview of the shrimp industry, government policies, culture techniques in Asia countries, pond dynamics, shrimp diseases, molecular diagonosis for field applications, culture inputs innovations – probiotics, bioremediation, bio-argumentation and immuno-stimulation, and potential markets for shrimp.

The congress is supported by the SEAFDEC – AQD, DTI – BETP, DTI – BOI and Negros Prawn Producers Marketing Cooperative, Inc. It has for its theme: "Shrimp industry united towards global competitiveness."

The regular registration fee is P2,000. Discounted rates are given to early registrants and students.

For more particulars contact the following: Philippine Shrimp Industry Association, Inc. c/o Negros Prawn Producers Marketing Cooperative Inc. at telefax no. (6334) 433-2131 or the Fish Health Section of the DA-BFAR Central Office, 860 Quezon Ave., Quezon City at telefax no. (6302) 372-5055.

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