More herbal alternatives vs cancer pushed

The China-based International Rehabilitation of Cancer Association (IRCA), is calling for more herbal alternatives in the worldwide fight to combat terminal cancer.

In an official statement, IRCA lauded Chinese cancer expert Professor Wang Zhen Guo, president of China’s Anti-Cancer Association of Jilin Province and president of the Chang Bai Shan Institute of Medicine, – for his Chinese herbal discovery called Tian Xian liquid which is said to bring "renewed hope" for terminal cancer patients.

Wang is also author of "The Cancer Terminator" and "Never Give Up! Survival From Cancer!"

The association called for more herbal alternatives such as the said product, which is touted to "control and inhibit the growth of cancer", and is said to be more effective as compared to other anti-carcinogens of Western medicine.

The group also said that the said Chinese herbal medicine is a crucial contribution to all cancer patients, which "represents a breakthrough in man’s struggle against cancer."

For their part, the International Union Against Cancer contend that herbal medicine alternatives complement medical procedures like chemotherapy by helping the patients cope with the said procedures’ effects on the body.

The group explained that most patients now pin their hopes on anti-cancer remedies such as natural herbal alternative medicine and dietary supplements, which may help in conquering the disease.

The association also pointed out that the said non-toxic liquid is made with purely natural substances without any trace of chemical composition; has anti-oxidant qualities scavenging for harmful free radicals in the body; increases/strengthens the body’s defense system and immune system; and inhibits tumor growth.

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