ATRAM launches 1st sustainability fund launched

MANILA, Philippines — ATR Asset Management (ATRAM) launched  the country’s first sustainability fund anchored on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in a bid to capture growing investor attention and to broaden capital markets offerings amid the pandemic.

SDGs are 17 goals set by UN member governments that address the challenges faced by economies, societies, and the environment that threaten earth’s long-term sustainability or outlook.

The UN SDGs also serve as common discussion points in the development of socially responsible investment strategies or spectrum.

ATRAM Philippine Sustainable Development and Growth Fund is designed to invest in companies that score high in terms of the integration of UN SDGs into their operations and strategy and have reported attractive returns relative to valuations.

The Fund is an equity portfolio initially consisting of twenty large-mid-and small-cap companies listed in the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE).

Sustainability investing has been a rapidly growing investment theme in recent years.

Globally, investors have begun to flock towards funds focused on environmental, social and governance (ESG) as these have outperformed other funds showing growing investor focus on companies that have aligned with the UN SDGs.

“Sustainability has become more relevant in a post pandemic environment that has waged a hefty cost on society and the economy. The Fund hopes to mitigate some of these effects by incentivizing companies to continuously invest in wellness, progress, and fairness as expressed in the UN SDGs. There is a need to draw inspiration from those who put welfare and responsibility at the forefront,” said Phillip Hagedorn, the chief investment officer of ATRAM.

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