Online hiring remains robust in July 2018

MANILA, Philippines — Online hiring activity in the Philippines continued to soar in July amid a decline in recruitment activity in the business process outsourcing (BPO) sector, according to employment website

Based on the Monster Employment Index (MEI), overall online hiring sentiment in the country surged by 18 percent in July compared to a year ago.

The MEI is a gauge of online job posting activities, recording the industries and occupations that show the highest and lowest growth in recruitment activity locally.

For July, most industries in the Philippines recorded a double digit growth, led by retail (39 percent), health care (33 percent) and logistics (31 percent).

“Retail and healthcare have been some of the top performing industries for July, as both have undergone technological upgrades in terms of accessibility and varied formats. Supply chain and human resources roles are in demand as these occupations form the backbone of the Philippine economy,” said Abhijeet Mukherjee, CEO of for APAC and Middle East.

BPO was the sole industry in the Philippines to experience a decline of three percent in July, according to

“Only the BPO/ITES industry did not seem to make a mark, but can definitely be expected to improve in the coming months. Overall, most industries and sectors have been performing well in terms of expansion and demand for talent. This can be owed to the ambitious economy-building programs being undertaken by the government,” it said.

In terms of occupation, the purchase/logistics/supply chain commanded the most demand with a 37 percent annual growth in July, followed by occupational groups of HR & admin and sales and business development with an increase of 32 percent and 31 percent, respectively.

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