MANILA, Philippines — Lawyers, accountants, consultants and compliance officers can add profit to their practice by adding corporate housekeeping as part of the services they offer to their valued clients. The term “corporate housekeeping” refers to the multitude of services that a corporate secretary (who could be a lawyer or a non-lawyer) who needs to perform for a corporate entity. For every corporation, it is a must to master, and perform its function well.
To upgrade the skills of corporate and assistant corporate secretaries, the Center for Global Best Practices will host a special training titled, “Best Practices in Corporate Housekeeping: The Experts’ Guide on How to be an Effective Corporate Secretary” on May 17 & 18 at the EDSA Shangri-La Hotel, Mandaluyong City.
The program is tailored best for those who want to professionalize and establish their roles in the company, and for organizations who would like to broaden their offered services.
Learn about the principal areas of housekeeping services, corporate housekeeping as risk management, the best methods of managing risks and many more in a comprehensive discussion and interaction with the speakers.
The program will feature two expert practitioners who have built solid years of experience in corporate housekeeping and corporate services.
For details and a complete list of Best Practices programs such as Board Effectiveness Best Practices, How to Use Parliamentary Procedures in Meetings, Masterclass on Writing Minutes of Meetings, Best Practices in Business and Government Protocol, and many more, visit our website at or call Manila Lines: (+63 2) 842-7148/ 59 and 556-8968/ 69, Cebu lines: (+63 32) 512-3106 or 07 or Legazpi Line: (+63 52) 736-0148.