More jobs at Bataan freeport

 For last year, AFAB said the number of employees hired by registered locators and manpower agencies rose to 25,803, 29 percent higher compared to the 20,017 workers recorded in 2014.

MANILA, Philippines – The Authority of the Freeport Area of Bataan (AFAB) expects to generate more employment in the next few years as investors in the industrial zone continue to increase.

AFAB said the newly registered locators in the freeport are expected to create at least 4,900 jobs in the next three years.

For last year, AFAB said the number of employees hired by registered locators and manpower agencies rose to 25,803, 29 percent higher compared to the 20,017 workers recorded in 2014.

“The Authority of the Freeport Area of Bataan welcomed this new development. Since 2010, the administration has been working hard to bring more investors and big manufacturing corporations to the freeport,” AFAB chairman and administrator Deogracias Custodio said.

“The investments pledged by the locators are felt by the people on the ground through the opening of more job opportunities. We assure the national government and the people that we will continue to work hard and bring more investments to contribute to the growth of the local economy,” Custodio added.

Custodio said the employment rate in the freeport has increased as not only new companies started operating, but also as the existing locators have expanded their operations as well.

Aside from the newly-signed locators last year, AFAB said registered locators are currently in need of over 2,600 employees.

Among the locators hiring are Mitsumi Phils. Inc., Perpetual Prime Mfg. Inc., Essilor Mfg. Phils. Inc. and Dong-In Group of Companies’ Mountaineering Instruments Corp. and Edge Soft Good Solutions Inc.

AFAB said there are 114 registered locators in the freeport as of end December last year.

The enterprises include Korean, Taiwanese, Chinese, American, Japanese, British, Bahrainese, French and German businesses.

The Freeport Area of Bataan has been the country’s fastest growing freeport from 2012 to 2014.

It is seen to be an emerging fashion manufacturing hub of the Philippines as it has a cluster of companies producing high-end brands of garments, apparel, shoes and accessories.

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