Tetangco named Management Man of the Year


MANILA, Philippines - Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Governor Amando Tetangco Jr. was named “Management Man of the Year 2015” by the Management Association of the Philippines (MAP) for his integrity, leadership, and management qualities.

In a statement, the 65-year-old management organization said the conferment of the award to the central bank governor followed a thorough, stringent selection process.

MAP explained the criteria for the award include integrity, leadership, and management qualities; contribution to nation building and values formation; effective stewardship within the confines of the highest standard of business and management practice; among others.

Tetangco, MAP said, was chosen for his expert and steady guidance of the Philippine monetary and banking system as a strong foundation for the current dynamism of the Philippine economy.

The business organization also cited Tetangco’s exemplary leadership in embarking on banking reforms, insulating the Philippine banking system from global volatility, and providing a resilient and responsive financial system that is conducive to a balanced and sustainable economic growth.

According to MAP, the BSP chief also pursued finance education for the youth and for providing a world-class regulatory framework for microenterprise development.

It said Tetangco helped re-shape national values by setting an example that professional managers within and outside the BSP could emulate through his track record of professional competence, high ethical standards and strong leadership throughout his distinguished career as a central banker over a span of four decades.

Furthermore, it said Tetangco set a global standard by his courage to transcend politics in asserting the independence of the BSP and consistently preserving BSP’s integrity as a monetary authority and institution while providing critical support for the country’s development.

New York-based business magazine Global Finance has named Tetangco as one of the world’s top central bankers for the seventh time last August.

The BSP chief has earned a prestigious “A” grade on Global Finance’s Central Banker report Cards for the past five years since 2011. He also received the “A” grade in 2006 and 2007.

Tetangco is the first central bank governor to serve the BSP in two consecutive terms after being reappointed by President Aquino in 2011. He became BSP chief in 2005 and would be in office until 2017.

The “MAP Management Man of the Year” is a prestigious award bestowed on individuals in the business community or government for attaining unquestioned distinction in the practice of management and for contributing to the country’s progress.

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