Traffic woes? Try e-vehicles, EVAP says

MANILA, Philippines - With Metro Manila’s traffic woes now at its worst state, the Electric Vehicle Association of the Philippines (EVAP) said the use of more electric vehicles for public transport is the answer to help ease the congestion.

EVAP president Rommel Juan said traffic situation could improve if more electric jeepneys were deployed for public transport use.

Juan said previous studies have already identified driver discipline or the lack of it as a major cause of traffic problems in the metropolis.

“Since it was pioneered in Makati in 2008, the eJeepney has proven that fleet management works. And its management template actually shows that it is the best and most efficient way to manage eJeepney fleets,” he said.

Juan also cited as an example the largest fleet of eJeepneys now running as a public transport solution inside Filinvest City in Alabang dubbed as the 360 Eco Loop.

“This is managed by a professional fleet management operator so that means that the drivers are not on their own and are not left to drive in an undisciplined and dangerous manner,” Juan said.

Juan said fleet operators train their drivers to run their vehicles safely and in an orderly manner.

“And since they are paid a fixed daily wage and enjoy employment benefits mandated by law, they are not under the old style boundary system which leads them to drive fast and in a reckless and aggressive manner. They do not clog and obstruct street corners and are not always fighting and outmaneuvering each other for passengers,” he said.

“If you look at how the 360 Eco Loop drivers drive, they are very orderly, calm and disciplined. They are all even sporting a nice and clean uniform. We wish all our public utility jeepney drivers can be like this,” Juan added.

PhUV Inc., a pioneer electric vehicle manufacturer in the country is the supplier of the eJeepneys and has been at the forefront of pushing for eJeepney public transport systems.

“The eJeepney transport systems in Makati, Filinvest and even inside Ateneo in Katipunan prove that eJeepneys are better and cleaner alternatives to the dinosaur, polluting traditional diesel-fueled jeepneys. We hope that more areas, specially local government units and jeepney cooperatives will adopt the eJeepney transport system,” PhUV sales manager John Marasigan said.

The Management Association of the Philippines earlier offered the government several remedies in helping solve the traffic and transportation problems currently besetting Metro Manila and its people.

One of its immediate recommendations is for the government to appoint Cabinet Secretary Jose Rene Almendras as a traffic czar who will take overall charge of all matters related to or affecting traffic and road management.

In addition, the group has also called on the government to fast track the upgrade and capacity expansion of the MRT3, upgrade the existing major national roads into expressways, the improvement in the resiliency of all national major and radial roads against floods, the use of fast construction methods such as prefabricated steel or precast concrete bridging systems, and a campaign for private vehicle high occupancy practices.


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