Opening of Integrated Transport System - South Terminal bids set tomorrow

MANILA, Philippines - The Department of Transportation and Communications (DOTC) is set to open the financial proposals for the P4 billion Integrated Transport System (ITS) - South Terminal tomorrow.

“The financial proposals of the qualified bidders with complying technical proposals for the above-stated project shall be opened on Aug. 11 2015,” Jose Perpetuo Lotilla, chairman of the bids and awards committee and DOTC undersecretary for legal affairs said in General Bid Bulletin 18-2015.

The country’s top property firms Ayala Land Inc. and Filinvest Land Inc. submitted bids for the ITS - South Terminal Project on July 31.

The public-private partnership project involves the construction of a terminal within a 4.7-hectare area in the FTI Compound in Taguig City.

The terminal will connect passengers from Laguna or Batangas to other transport systems such as the future North-South Commuter Railway project, city bus, taxi, and other public utility vehicles that are serving inner Metro Manila.

The project will also include passenger terminal buildings, arrival and departure bays, public information systems, ticketing and baggage handling facilities, and park-ride facilities.

The winning bidder for the project will be responsible for the design, construction, and financing of the ITS-South Terminal.

The private partner will likewise handle the operations and maintenance of the whole facility for 35 years.

Earlier, the DOTC said the aim is to award the project in the third quarter of this year so construction of the project can start in the second quarter of next year.

The terminal is expected to open in December 2017.

Since the flagship PPP program was launched in 2010, the government has awarded a total of 10 projects amounting to P189 billion.

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