PCCI seeks assistance from EU on GSP+

MANILA, Philippines - The Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI) is seeking assistance from the European Union (EU) to provide facilities and training that will allow local businesses to comply with the bloc’s requirements on exports and take advantage of the Generalized System of Preferences Plus (GSP+).

PCCI president Alfredo Yao told reporters that while the Philippines has been granted EU GSP+ status, which allows the entry of more goods to the bloc at zero tariff, there are non-tariff measures such as certification and other requirements for exports that will still need to be complied with.

 “We don’t have facilities (for certification). That is why we are asking the EU. We had a talk with the EU Ambassador and we are saying, maybe they can help the Philippines in putting up a lab or how our exports will be certified in the EU,” he said.

He said the PCCI would want the EU to provide a grant for putting up facilities and providing training.

The Philippines’ application for EU GSP+ status was approved by the EU Parliament during a plenary meeting on Dec. 18.

By being granted GSP+ status, the Philippines can enjoy zero duty for 6,274 products entering the EU for a period of 10 years.

Earlier, the Philippines was a beneficiary of the regular GSP program covering 6,209 products, with 2,442 products subject to zero duty and the rest slapped with lower tariffs.

The scheme is expected to allow the country to increase its exports to the bloc by 611.8 million euros and create more than 200,000 new jobs in the first three years of implementation of the program.

The Philippines is the only country in Southeast Asia which has been granted EU GSP+ status.

Earlier, the Philippine Exporters Confederation, Inc. said the government will need to come up with strategies aimed at enabling businesses to take advantage of the EU GSP+ benefits.

For the country to take advantage of the GSP+ benefits, the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) is undertaking activities aimed at increasing awareness on how to utilize the scheme.

By next month, Trade Undersecretary Adrian Cristobal Jr. said the DTI will conduct five information sessions focused on doing business in the EU using the GSP+ in Metro Manila, Cebu, Davao, General Santos City and Angeles City in Pampanga.

He also said outbound missions will be conducted next year to Germany, Netherlands and United Kingdom as part of efforts to promote the utilization of the EU GSP+.

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