EAGA urges immediate implementation of MRAs

MANILA, Philippines - The special committee on the East Asean Growth Area (EAGA) has urged President Aquino to push for the immediate implementation of Mutual Recognition Agreements/Arrangement (MRAs) entered into among Association of Southeast Asian Nations member states covering eight professional services.??

The panel, chaired by TUCP party-list Rep. Raymond Democrito Mendoza has adopted House Resolution 1482 urging Aquino to issue a memorandum circular to concerned agencies to fully implement the MRAs, affecting eight professions in the country, including engineering services, nursing services, architecture, surveying, medical practice, dental practice, accountancy and tourism services.

Arts Business and Science Professionals party-list Rep. Catalina Leonen Pizarro, author of the resolution, said the implementation of the agreements will help enhance safety nets and other measures for local professionals in the light of the Asean integration in 2015.

Leonen-Pizarro cited the objectives behind the MRAs, including to facilitate mobility of practitioners with the Asean region; to exchange information and enhance cooperation in respect of mutual recognition of practitioners; promote adoption of best practices on standards and qualifications; and to provide opportunities for capacity building and training of practitioners.

The eight professional services of which the government is a signatory under an MRA with the Asean were concluded separately from Dec. 9, 2005 to Nov. 9, 2012, the lawmaker said.

She said since Dec. 15, 1995 the regional grouping has recognized and emphasized the growing importance of trade in services through the adoption of the Asean Framework Agreement on Services (AFAS).

The AFAS aims to substantially eliminate restrictions to trade in services among Asean member states, enhance cooperation in services, liberalize trade in services, and promote efficiency and competitiveness of service suppliers in the region.

The AFAS establishes the general guidelines for mutual recognition, denial of benefits, dispute settlement, institutional mechanism and other areas of cooperation in the services sector, she pointed out.

Article V of the AFAS, the resolution noted, provides that the Asean member states may recognize the education or experience obtained, requirements met, and licenses or certifications granted in other member countries for the purpose of licensing or certification of services suppliers.

Leonen-Pizarro also said Asean heads of states in 2003 signed the Bali Accord II and declared the establishment of an Asean Community which comprises the political, economic, and security communities to include the completion of MRAs for qualifications for major professional services by 2008 to facilitate free movement of professional, skilled labor, and talents in the region.

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