Globe warns users vs new scam

MANILA, Philippines - With scammers becoming cleverer by the day, Globe reminded its subscribers to stay alert against supposed Globe agents asking users to turn off their mobile phones for network-related updates.

A report from a Globe customer revealed that a scammer attempted to exact ransom for a kidnapping that never happened.

“He asked me to shutdown my phone for 2 hours for 3G update to take place. As I was rushing for a meeting, I did not question, but just shut down my cell phone. After 45 minutes I felt very suspicious since the caller did not even introduce his name. I quickly turned on my cell phone and saw several missed calls from my family members and the others were from the number that had called me earlier.”

“I called my parents and I was shocked that they sounded very worried asking me whether I am safe. My parents told me that they had received a call from someone claiming that they had me with them and asking for money to let me free. The call was so real and my parents even heard 'my voice' crying out loud asking for help. My father was already at the bank waiting for next call to process the transfer,” the Globe customer said.

Globe General Counsel Froilan Castelo said Globe will never ask its customers to turn off their cell phones for any network-related purpose and those who receive such calls should immediately report the numbers used for the call.

“We reiterate and warn the public of these criminal elements capitalizing on our network modernization initiatives. Customers who receive suspicious calls from persons claiming to be Globe agents should clarify with our customer service personnel,” Castelo said.

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