Difference between pleasure and enjoyment

Some things appear similar yet they are not.

For instance, a lot of people equate reputation as the same as character. But no, they’re not the same. So many examples could be given about how these two are worlds apart.

Reputation is what people think you are. It is their exclusive perception of you. It’s what you do when people are watching, and what you say when people are listening. This is the outside image you project or maintain and how others perceive it.

Character is different. Character has got nothing to do with other people or outside perception. It’s what you are. PERIOD. A man of character is one who still sticks to doing what is right even when he knows no one is there to applaud him.

Now, here is another one. There is a huge difference between pleasure and enjoyment.

Enjoyment involves the use of a skill in a challenge. So writing, cooking, singing, painting, bowling, golfing, and tennis or any other activity involving a particular skill meeting a particular challenge constitutes enjoyment. Pleasure involves little or absolutely no skill at all.

You go home and open your P300,000 hi-fi set. You slip in some classical music vinyl records, take off your shoes, close your eyes and have a good time. So, what is happening? Well, you’re in a state of pleasure. The only skill required for you to achieve this level of pleasure is to simply have the ability to insert the plug into the electrical outlet and to push some buttons on your expensive sound system. Not too much skill is required for this activity.

You hear others say, “I really enjoy writing.” or “I enjoy tennis, or golf, or chess.” There is enjoyment simply because skills are concerned. There’s a level of knowledge and ability that resulted out of practice and training.

People who know the difference begin to put more enjoyment into their lives. They begin to understand that the key to attain more enjoyment is to harness their talents and increase their skills on the things they have set out to do. Increasing our skills and seeking challenges to improve these skills are what lead to an enjoyable life.

By the way, this will explain the reason why some jubilant winners of lotteries end up having their lives descend into nightmarish experiences after acquiring the unearned wealth. There is initial pleasure perhaps, but there is no lasting enjoyment. Remember, no challenge, no skill. The lottery looks like ‘the answer’ to some people because they associate money with pleasure. True enjoyment of money partly comes from earning it, which involves skills and challenges.

So, now that we are clear on enjoyment and pleasure, let’s talk a little bit about meaning. Meaning comes when you give away your pleasure and enjoyment away temporarily to go out and help those who are in need. The wealth you have, the skills you possess, the resources you keep, all of these can be shared with the Yolanda victims. That can give you meaning. And not only this, you actually experience enjoyment and pleasure too!

And, I would like to encourage you to attend a fund-raising seminar titled: “We will Rise” on December 10, 2014, featuring eight of the top speakers in the country who all offered to speak for free. All proceeds will go to The Philippine Red Cross and CCF Tulong Tayo Relief Operations.

This is how you and I can experience enjoyment, pleasure and meaning. We can enjoy it while we reach out to those who are in need.

See you there.

(You can connect with Francis Kong through Facebook at www.facebook.com/franciskong2 or listen to his program called “Business Matters” from Monday to Friday at 8 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. in 98.7 dzFE-FM ‘The Master’s Touch’, the classical music station.)



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