Learn procedures governing Senate investigations

MANILA, Philippines - When you, your client or your boss are called or invited to a Senate investigation to testify as a witness or as an expert resource person, do you know what to do, how to behave or answer the questions without getting into trouble? Many are humiliated, embarrassed, scandalized and incriminated unnecessarily simply because they are clueless on how to handle themselves in such a situation.

As part of your preparedness program, the Center for Global Best Practices is launching a pioneering seminar entitled, “New Rules on Legislative Investigation in Aid of Legislation” on Friday, July 25, 2014 at Edsa Shangri-La Hotel, Mandaluyong City, Philippines.

For details and all other best practices seminars (including How to Joint Venture with GOCCs and LGUs;  Business and Government Officials’ Guide to Business and Diplomatic Protocol) you may check www.cgbp.org or call Manila lines at (02) 842-7148/ 59; 556-8968/ 69; Cebu lines at (032) 512-3106 to 07 and Baguio at (074) 423-5148.

In this one-day pioneering seminar, an expert on this topic provide a thorough understanding of the New Rules of Procedure Governing Inquiries in Aid of Legislation that took effect on Feb. 18, 2013.

Arm yourselves with the right knowledge and be prepared always by learning the rules and understanding your rights. This is the only seminar that will teach you issues including how to handle public hearings, executive sessions, your rights and privileges against self-incrimination, conduct of counsel and many more. We will share with you practical insights and advice when you are called to a Senate investigation. This is very useful to officers and directors of corporations, businesses and government (GOCCs, LGUs and national government agencies) who may need to appear at a Senate investigation, to lawyers who may need to assist clients, advocacy groups, and everyone invited as an observer or active participant in a legislative inquiry.

This special program will feature lawyer Rodolfo Noel S. Quimbo who is the director general of the Blue Ribbon Oversight Office Management (BROOM) at the Philippine Senate. His office investigates issues and persons concerned before a hearing is called.



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