MRDP2 attains 86% accomplishment rate

MANILA, Philippines - The second phase of the Mindanao Rural Development Program  (MRDP2) of the Department of Agriculture (DA)  that is scheduled to end this year, has so far attained an 85.81-percent accomplishment rate, according to the Department of Agriculture (DA).

The MRDP2 is a five-year program of the DA intended to raise the income of farmers in 225 towns in Mindanao through the establishment of farm infrastructure and livelihood assistance.

The program’s total funding of $123.90 million was sourced from the $83.752-million loan from the World Bank and equity share of the National Government and local government units, as well as grants from various foreign governments.

The DA reported that the rural infrastructure component of the project has attained an 84.81-percent accomplishment rate, while the establishment of the Community Fund for Agricultural Development (CFAD) is now 87.55-percent complete.

The natural resources management (NRM) component of the program is now 88.87 percent completed.

Some P4.5 billion worth of rural infrastructure projects have been pipelined, P2.5 billion worth of which has been completed while P2 billion worth of infrastructure projects are still being finished. 

These include farm-to-market roads and communal irrigation systems.

Funded by the CFAD are P948.14 million worth of livelihood projects for raising livestock, procurement of postharvest facilities, establishment of integrated farming systems, establishment of small farm infrastructure, crop production and fishery subprojects.

The NRM component completed P146.76 million worth of subprojects, which consists of agroforestry preservation, riverbank stabilization, protection of fish sanctuaries and mangrove rehabilitation subprojects.

The agroforestry sub-projects covered at least 2,367 hectares including areas in Linamon, Lanao del Norte and Jamiguitan in Agusan del Norte. Around 648 hectares of mangrove areas were also rehabilitated including areas in Surigao del Norte and Zamboanga Sibugay.

“With these numbers, MRDP has made significant contributions in promoting inclusive growth and supporting poverty alleviation efforts in Mindanao,” said deputy program director Arnel De Mesa.

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