Leftist groups: Are they being funded by China?

We received several unconfirmed reports that leftists groups are being aggressively funded by China. A retired US intelligence officer says this allegation is not farfetched at all. This came in the wake of statements by some militant leaders slamming the planned increase of US troops in the Philippines – accusing the administration of selling out to the Americans. This is contrary to the sentiment of majority of Filipinos who see the presence of American soldiers as an “effective deterrent” because of the growing aggression from the Chinese. As one congressman noted, the rotational presence of the US soldiers is the “next best thing” we can do to make the Chinese think twice about taking bolder steps. Military analysts believe the best thing is to start building up our own defense forces with help from our allies particularly the United States.

We’re told several business groups are already planning to issue a manifesto of support for the continued US presence in the country citing their stabilizing influence in the Asia Pacific region, with claimant-nations getting increasingly concerned about the aggressive and belligerent moves being made by China over the disputed territories in both the East and South China Seas. Aside from declaring an Air Defense Identification Zone, China has also issued fishing restrictions in disputed maritime territories which has taken its toll on the livelihood of Filipino fishermen.

Business groups however agree with Sen. Miriam Santiago that the new security agreement must be within the bounds of the Constitution and existing laws. Some businessmen have also privately commented that a major concern is to see to it that the terms are just and fair, and not lopsided. The Defense Department however made it clear that the proposed cooperation agreement does not violate Philippine sovereignty, stressing that the presence of US troops in Philippine military bases in Clark, Palawan, Cebu etc., would be temporary in nature. Senate ratification is not necessary, the DND clarified, since the agreement would just be an implementing document on the Mutual Defense Treaty and the Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA). The Palace said that the new agreement could enhance the defensive partnership between the Philippines and the US, cautioning people from jumping into conclusions even before the final terms are drawn.

The VFA has been in existence for more than a decade and other than the Balikatan exercises that involve joint military field training and exercises (seen in photo by US Air Force TSgt Jerome Tayborn) plus the exchange of knowledge on equipment etc., a significant component is the humanitarian aspect, with US troops working with their Filipino counterparts to conduct engineering, medical-dental missions and disaster relief and assistance activities. The real question which most of us must honestly ask ourselves is – do we really have a choice?

GMA’s health declining

A businessman (who asked not to be identified) recently visited Pampanga Rep. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo and told us that the former president is looking very frail and has lost more weight since he last saw her about a year ago. The businessman noted that mental and emotional stress, not to mention her physical condition, has taken its toll on GMA who has undergone three cervical spine surgeries.

The Arroyo legal team has filed a petition for the former president to be allowed to leave the Veterans Memorial hospital and spend her upcoming birthday in her hometown in Lubao, Pampanga with family and close friends. However, the request for a three-day furlough was denied by the Sandiganbayan First Division. The businessman – who sent us a photo of Mrs. Arroyo – is under the opinion that the continued hospital confinement with hardly anything to stimulate the mind of the former president is contributing to her deteriorating physical and mental health that might – God forbid – “shorten her life,” he said. Mrs. Arroyo is turning 67 on April 5.

Doctors at the Veterans Memorial center have also stressed that the constant presence of family members could go a long way in helping improve the physical condition of GMA, saying the weight loss is also aggravated by her difficulty in swallowing food. While she goes through physiotherapy and is given medication to alleviate her condition, having a positive “mind-body” state could go a long way in improving one’s medical situation.

“Granting GMA’s request to spend her birthday outside the hospital will be an act of charity,” another businessman commented. It can be recalled that the former president also displayed acts of kindness to former president Joseph Estrada when the latter was also detained, granting extended furloughs that allowed him to even visit his ailing mother, Doña Mary Ejercito.

While there is separation of power between the Executive and the Legislative, everyone knows the power of Malacañang to give the green light for the requested furlough by the Arroyo camp. According to the businessman, the chances for a possible flight from justice by CGMA is virtually impossible since it is clear Mrs. Arroyo could hardly even walk to the door of the hospital room.

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Email: spybits08@yahoo.com

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