Importers face strict accreditation process

MANILA, Philippines - The Aquino administration has formally transferred the Bureau of Customs’ function of accrediting importers to the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) as part of wide-ranging reforms aimed at rooting out corruption and cleansing the BOC of well-entrenched smugglers and their protectors.

The Department of Finance (DOF) issued an order requiring importers to apply for accreditation with the BIR in order to allow them to carry out their business.

Importers will be subject to stringent verification procedures by the BIR to get the necessary BIR Importer Clearance Certificate (BIR-ICC).

This move allows the BIR to use its extensive taxpayer database and information technology system to get more information in accrediting importer-applicants.

“The BIR accreditation system is an essential step in our efforts for importer accountability and compliance. With the BIR database on registered taxpayers, we will be in a better position to determine whether an importer is doing legitimate business, and whether they are paying the right taxes,” Finance Secretary Cesar V. Purisima said.  

The BIR shall issue the necessary documentary requirements, rules and regulations for the issuance of the BIR-ICC while the BOC is tasked with the issuance of rules and regulations for the registration of BIR-accredited importers and the suspension of accreditation in cases of violations of customs laws and regulations.


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